The 2006 Czech At Prize
Within the programme of ceremonial gathering on the eve of an opening of the international conference ISSS 2006 in Hradec Kralove, there were announced results of Czech At competition. This year the prize was awarded to two subjects of public administration, which significantly contributed to the development of information society–“Subcommittee for information systems in public administration of Committee for public administration, regional development and environment of Chamber of Deputies of Parliament of CR" and "Ministry of Informatics of CR”.
“Main criterion, which the association used at its decision-making about awarding the main prize, was as usually the real contribution to public administration as a whole as well as for the citizens of this country,” says Tomas Rencin, director of the conference ISSS and a member of the jury of Association Czech At. “In case of Amendment of Act on Information Systems of Public Administration, which considerably simplifies and speeds up administrative procedures as well as facilitates communication of the citizens with authorities, we agreed in principle unanimously.”
In 2006 Association Czech At decided to award both above mentioned subjects for successful enforcement of essential enlargement of range of places, which are authorized to issue verified statements from official registers and databases, to the draft of the Amendment of Act on Information Systems of Public Administration.
The prize was taken over by Dana Berova on behalf of Ministry of Informatics of CR and by Tom Zajicek on behalf of Subcommittee for information systems in public administration of Committee for public administration, regional development and environment of Chamber of Deputies of Parliament of CR.