The 2007 Czech At Prize
Within the programme of gala evening in the eve of opening of the international conference ISSS 2007 in Hradec Kralove there were announced results of the competition Czech At. The prestigious award was received this year by a present president of the Supreme Audit Office of CR Frantisek Dohnal for a long-term effort in development of information society and significant participation in electronization of public administration at the local as well as regional level.

“An important criterion for the association in decision-making about awarding the main prize was as usual a real contribution to the public administration as a whole as well as to the citizens of this country,” says Tomas Rencin, director of the ISSS conference and a member of the jury of the Association Czech At. “Unlike in the previous years when we usually awarded some concrete project, this year we decided to award a person who in our opinion managed to do for the informisation of the public administration in the Czech Republic really a great deal.”
The Association Czech At decided to award in the year 2007 Frantisek Dohnal for all the effort with which he turned to creating information society and that is practically in all the positions, which he has held in the recent years–first as a mayor of Jihlava town, then as a chairman of the Union of Towns and Villages of CR, consequently as a president of Vysocina Region and at present as a president of the Supreme Audit Office of CR. There cannot be either omitted his work in the programme committee of the ISSS conference for the whole period of its duration as well as other activities, in which he represented the Czech Republic for example at the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of European Council or in the Committee of Regions of EU.